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5 Steps to ensure your digital CX program delivers results

5 Steps to ensure your digital CX program delivers results According to Forrester, digital customer service interactions are due to increase by 40% through 2021. Partly due to the global pandemic, this phenomenal increase has forced brands to add more channels and truly embrace digital transformation in their organization. So, how’s Customer Experience faring in […]

5 Steps to ensure your digital CX program delivers results
White paper

5 Steps to ensure your digital CX program delivers results

5 Steps to ensure your digital CX program delivers results The importance of CX has grown suddenly and dramatically since 2019, with the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating customer expectations for digital interactions and services. Partly due to the global pandemic, this phenomenal increase has forced brands to add more channels and truly embrace digital transformation in […]

5 Steps to ensure your digital CX program delivers results
Employee experience

What is Voice of the Employee?

They say it’s all about the customer. But is it really? What about employees? Gathering the Voice of the Customer is vital for any organization, but the Voice of the Employee gives an equally important viewpoint. Understanding how your staff feels about your company can give you deep insights on what works and what doesn’t, what could be easily fixed and what could make life easier for them and for your customers.  

What is Voice of the Employee?

Social engagement: Designing for participant interaction

Social engagement: Designing for participant interaction The rise of social networking sites heralded in the era of the social web, where people interact with one another, both known (generally through sites like Facebook) or unknown (often through sites like Twitter). Given this widespread activity, there is often high expectation that social interaction within digital communities […]

Social engagement: Designing for participant interaction