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Online reviews – your cheat code for better performance

Are you leveraging your local marketing to drive performance?

Watch this on-demand webinar with Zack Hamilton, our Executive Practitioner, to learn how to make the most of your local marketing using an often untapped source of differentiation – your local reviews. Zack walks you through why you can’t afford to miss out on using online reviews to your advantage, and how to implement an online review strategy for best results, with real-life successes.

Your 5-step cheat code for better performance with online reviews

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Get social
Engage with your digital marketing team. Understand their online and social strategy. Be curious. Where is your brand playing? What are we currently doing about it?

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Show me the money!
Connect the dots between current online and social reputation to ROAS, Traffic costs, Conversion Rate, etc.

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Start collecting
Pull all online and social reviews where your brand is currently playing. You may have to invest in technology to help. Or, your brand may already have the data, you need to get integrated.

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Uncover your brand’s authentic voice
Use a text analytics solution to help you make sense of all feedback at scale. Start big. But, also understand local voice.

Walk your brand’s talk
Start identifying actions. Big and small. What actions can we take? Who needs to take them? Energize your organization. Constantly tie back to business impact.


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