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Competitive Benchmarking

Size yourself up, so you can step beyond.

Competitive Benchmarking

Competitive Benchmarking

What if standing out in a crowded marketplace was simple?

What if you could outsmart your biggest rival?

What if you could devise a strategy to surpass them?

With Forsta, you can

  1. Boost differentiation and growth with a clear vision and innovation roadmap.
  2. Target investment and drive efficiencies by understanding what matters most to your customers.
  3. Scope your competition and unveil their customer experience wins and weaknesses.
  4. Build an irresistible value proposition by securing leadership buy-in and aligning teams toward your goal.
  5. Effectively communicate business strengths to the market and within your organization.

You’ll also get:

  1. Quantitative benchmarking: View your intuitive online dashboard with market rankings & scores, actionable insights, and key driver analysis. Dive deeper with detailed insights delivered via strategic presentations.
  2. Competitor intelligence: Tailored engagement sessions throughout your organization to share insights and discuss tactical and strategic implications of competitor behavior and practices.
  3. Root cause analysis and activation (optional): Sophisticated analytics for a holistic view of your key CX metrics, so you see what’s working, and what’s not.

How it works

  1. Get the right answers from the right people. We design and deliver highly targeted surveys to your existing customers and prospective customers (of your competitors, too) to gauge what they think of you overall, and also at specific moments like a recent transaction.
    • Surveys for existing customers – we’ll share short surveys to gauge their overall perception of your brand.
    • Surveys for existing customers with a recent transaction – these short surveys will be touchpoint driven and cover feedback on overall brand as well as the recent transaction.
    • Surveys for competitors’ customers – we’ll use long-format surveys to get feedback across key touchpoints and/or on comparative brand and business perception.
  2. See what really matters. We whip the data into shape, so you can focus on the insights, building buy-in across your org and getting your team on the same page.
  3. Know what do to next. We make strategic recommendations you can implement immediately to move the needle, on your core objectives.

Check out our full range of HX Catalysts

HX Catalysts are bespoke technology and services modules that accelerate your CX program for maximum business impact.

Get in touch with the Forsta team to learn more.


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