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The Human Experience roadmap

The Human Experience roadmap At Forsta we begin with the premise that behind every data point is a person, a real human being. You need to get closer to them to fully understand their experiences, really see who they are, better respond to their needs, and build genuine lasting relationships with them. The future of […]

The Human Experience roadmap

Preparing your organization for HX

Preparing your organization for HX Building a culture and roadmap for Human Experience Insights is a significant undertaking. For some organizations, it is an ongoing journey; for others, it involves some fundamental transformations. Every day, we support thousands of customers at different stages along this journey. The most successful and the most advanced share a […]

Preparing your organization for HX

Online qualitative: Ten activities to understand your customer

Online qualitative: Ten activities to understand your customer We know that delivering high-quality, relevant customer experiences that resonate on an emotional and rational level leads to increased customer satisfaction or retention, new innovations, and increased sales. In fact, in a Harvard Business Review Analytical Services study, sponsored by Forsta, 98% of senior business leaders believe […]

Online qualitative: Ten activities to understand your customer

Best practices survey slider design

Best practices survey slider design When should sliders be utilized? Sliders are effective when there is a need to make a fine distinction between items. In a five-point agreement scale, a slider could allow distinction between “agree slightly” and “agree strongly”— allowing rank order information for items that would be equally rated in a less […]

Best practices survey slider design

Video open ends Research best practices

Video open ends Research best practices Why video open ends? Forsta’s survey platform enables respondents to submit video open ends, or a video capture via a webcam or mobile video camera. With the video open end, the respondent is asked to record and upload a video in response to a question or exercise in the […]

Video open ends Research best practices

The three customer insight reports every CMO should have

The three customer insight reports every CMO should have For marketers and advertisers, developing and building a brand is all about connecting with and understanding the customer base. Successful brands have an identity; whether that be the perception of trust, reliability, or a positive feeling; they can have personality or convey purpose, and consumers stay […]

The three customer insight reports every CMO should have

Improving brand equity through AAU Surveys

Improving brand equity through AAU Surveys How is your brand doing? How much do your customers like or dislike what you have to offer? And, when was the last time you asked them? An important part of driving customer loyalty is having a good understanding of the brand experience. In other words, what is the […]

Improving brand equity through AAU Surveys

The definitive guide to designing mobile surveys

The definitive guide to designing mobile surveys According to Pew Research (1) a majority of U.S. consumers own multiple digital devices (desktop/laptop computer, tablet, and smartphone) and they seamlessly move from one platform to another as a part of their everyday lives. It is common for consumers to start an online shopping experience on a […]

The definitive guide to designing mobile surveys

Using online surveys to evaluate and monitor your business performance

Using online surveys to evaluate and monitor your business performance Every successful business must have a concrete and measurable way to evaluate performance; monitor their strength and weaknesses, and keep a pulse on the customers experience as well as the competitive landscape. One way to do this is through a powerful online survey technique called, […]

Using online surveys to evaluate and monitor your business performance

Forsta’s agile VoE solution

Forsta’s agile VoE solution The traditional way of measuring employee engagement is nolonger providing value for many organizations. Introduction You work hard to glean meaningful insights from the feedback you collect from your company’s Voice of the Employee (VoE) program. Despite all that hard work, challenges abound: The hidden problem Each one of these challenges […]

Forsta’s agile VoE solution