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Voice sentiment analysis

Emotion at the heart of your program

Voice is the most intuitive, natural and efficient way to communicate.

We’re more likely to talk faster than we type, and our emotions come through in our tone, pitch, rhythm and more. Forsta’s Voice Sentiment Analysis gives your respondents the opportunity to express their feedback along with their personality. Gather and analyze emotion and sentiment in order to take action to deliver exceptional customer experiences

Get people talking

Capture your participants’ “right here right now” responses with a simple “press to record” survey plugin. Or, put our tech to use on long-form audio like focus group recordings.

Emotion and Sentiment Analysis

Listen for pitch, tone,  rhythm and intensity in each respondent’s voice. Our technology will continuously score emotion in real-time. Analyze the words respondents use in order to assign sentiment scores

Capture audio feedback

Get accurate machine transcriptions in a flash, across a wide variety of local languages. Unlock valuable insights previously hidden in spoken word.


of emotion is communicated through tone of voice

Talking is much faster than typing


words per minute spoken


words per minute typed

The benefits only voice can deliver

Our tools let you capture the emotion in a piece of speech, and turn it into a category of its own. Which means being able to filter, sort and search by feeling, right down to the emotions attached to a single word or phrase. Upload audio clips directly into Forsta, or leverage our plug-in to harness the power of the Forsta platform to support your customer experience and management program.

Sort and search audio

Turn reems of audio into libraries of clips that are easy to pull out and play. Sort, filter and search by variables including emotion.

VIsualize what you hear

Map the “shape” and “color” of feelings across a piece of speech, and watch them unfold as you listen. Near- real-time analysis changes over the course of a piece of speech. Or, use emotion clouds for a quick visual take on what words track with what feelings.


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