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Text Analytics

Crunch words into numbers

Customers have already told you how to grow, yet their answers are scattered everywhere. Over social media, hidden in emails, buried in chat logs, call records and survey responses. Forsta enables you to structure that data and gain insight to measure, understand and act on.

Adding a touch of humanity

For the best results, Forsta pairs AI with living, breathing experts to provide the most efficient and accurate text analytics available. You understand your business best so our data analysts will work with you to shape the algorithm and guide the AI as it works.

Set the data flow

No channel reveals the whole picture. Chat logs, CRM systems, NPS or other surveys are brought into one place to give you complete understanding of the customer experience.

A model student

Machine learning organizes, structures and categorizes text of all kinds. You can order emails by topic, sort chat conversations by language or prioritize issues based on the volume and intensity of customer feedback.

Getting you to the finish line

We can work with you at whatever level you require. If you want complete self-service, you can have self-serve, or we can support you at any scale you need.

Understand and outline the expected outcomes of your text analytics program.

We have multiple approaches to reach your outcomes. We can incorporate as many as required to arrive at your goal. All of the approaches include the application of automated sentiment analysis.

Our experts apply and/or create your categorization model based on your approved framework as a foundation.

We test your model and review the sentiment distribution of your data.

Our reporting template can be set up quickly and provides a comprehensive view from the strategic to the tactical.le

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