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Insight Activator

Accelerate your time from insight to improvement.


Insight Activator

Are you truly improving customer experience, or just spinning your wheels?

Do you know who’s leading change? Is the change happening fast enough?

Is your organization open to new ideas and real innovation?

Forsta Insight Activator helps you deliver real change throughout your organization and transform your customer experience program.

With Forsta you can

  1. Fast-track improvements by reducing change friction.
  2. Streamline your strategic execution by rallying stakeholders and colleagues as change champions.
  3. Solve problems and innovate easily by sourcing ideas from your entire organization.
  4. Secure leadership buy-in and align multiple teams.
  5. Understand detailed root causes for failure and success, no matter the source.

How it works

  1. Action management: Find critical cases quickly with advanced filters, design highly configurable workflows, and use custom notifications to alert the relevant stakeholders.
  2. Frontline innovation: Launch idea challenges to solve problems, identify opportunities, and drive change.
  3. Single Sign On (SSO): Streamlined authentication for users across the Forsta Platform – open up customer insights to your entire workforce with no usage restrictions.
  4. Services: Full set-up and platform maintenance services.
  5. Root cause analysis (optional): Deploy advanced root cause analysis before each innovation project.

What is Insight Activation?

It is the process of taking valuable insights and putting them into action. In other words, changing your organization either tactically or strategically in response to what your customers need and want; creating value from your insights programme.

Ask yourself:

Of what value are these insights, without ideas that lead to change?

Check out our full range of HX Catalysts

HX Catalysts are bespoke technology and services modules that accelerate your CX program for maximum business impact.

Get in touch with the Forsta team to learn more.


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