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Forsta CAPI

What is Forsta CAPI?

Forsta CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) is designed for face-to-face or field interviewing. It is a module of the HX Platform, an end-to-end solution that enables you to manage every step of the survey lifecycle, from multi-channel survey creation and deployment to panel management, data processing, online reporting, analysis, and alerting.

Forsta CAPI is available for Android™ or Apple® mobile devices including smartphone and tablets, as well as  Windows® for desktop, laptop or tablet.

The benefits of Forsta CAPI

Forsta CAPI enables you to engage in feedback and research programs regardless of where respondents are located. You can effectively and efficiently manage a widely dispersed field force, and provide your interviewers with access to the same sophisticated survey capabilities offered by Forsta’s online solutions.

These features mean that Forsta CAPI is ideally suited to Central Location Testing (CLT), which provides a key channel for many businesses seeking data from specific demographics, and which enables stringent validation procedures. These include:

  • Multimedia question options (videos, audio, images, etc.)
  • Complex survey logic for questionnaire routing
  • Advanced quota control
  • Multiple language options

CAPI enables you to:

  • Author once, deploy to all channels providing a streamlined approach to global data collection
  • Support a distributed fieldforce: allowing thousands of devices to be dispersed in field
  • Simplify your approach: centralize control and integrate data collection and reporting
  • Increase your reach: harness a range of data collection methods
  • Maximize value: reduce operational costs through instant data delivery
  • Measure impact: gather data “in-the-moment”
  • Run central location testing: capture data in a single location with respondents in-situ.

Integrate CAPI with your wider research activities

Forsta CAPI allows you to take advantage of the advanced capabilities of Forsta’s online survey tools and apply them to your offline projects.

Because Forsta Survey is a completely integrated solution, you benefit from a single authoring environment that allows you to design surveys and manage projects regardless of the data collection channels you use. You can apply and adapt your web or telephone surveys, for example, to your CAPI projects, and the data you collect using Forsta CAPI can then be integrated with your other survey data and combined for analysis in Forsta’s wide range of analysis tools, such as Forsta Studio.

Maintaining effective

Forsta CAPI ensures you retain control of your face-to-face work by centrally distributing new and updated surveys to CAPI devices online.

You can also centrally manage your respondent sample and communications with your interviewer workforce via the Forsta solution.

To access their work, your interviewers simply need to connect to the Internet to synchronize new or updated surveys and responses. Interviewers can then complete surveys completely offline. They can reconnect at any stage during their fieldwork, or upon completion of their session to upload response data into the central platform.

Forsta CAPI provides:

A highly cost-effective approach to large interview-led projects

Image, video and audio capture so that interviewers and respondents can provide greater insight

Geo-location to enable validation of collected data

Localized into 42 languages to meet the needs of local interviewers

How does Forsta CAPI work?

Forsta CAPI consists of 2 key modules, providing both supervisors and interviewers with advanced, scalable capabilities to create and run efficient, effective projects.

Supervisor module

This fully-integrated module within the HX Platform provides interviewer management, sample management, and status reports on project progress. The module enables the capture of comprehensive productivity statistics, at both the interviewer and survey level. There are extensive filtering capabilities and users can create real-time, web-based reports on demand, and export to standard formats for sharing.

Interviewer console (CAPI App)

This software can be installed on Windows, Android and Apple devices, tablets, PCs and Smartphones. It provides access to surveys that are deployed by a CAPI supervisor and assigned to an interviewer. The CAPI App provides control of these surveys (start, stop, cancel, postpone, and restart interviews), details of quotas, upcoming respondents and status of existing interviews. During the interview process, CAPI interviewers can use any combination of touch, mouse or keyboard to input answers.

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