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Digital diaries and online communities – professional services

digital diaries professional services

Professional services offerings

Forsta’s digital diaries and online communities help researchers and marketers capture deeper, in-the-moment insights through a user-friendly and engaging platform. It’s the best solution for mobile diaries, insight communities, concept tests and bulletin board discussions. With our Professional Services, you also get the benefit of our dedicated team to help set up your project and manage your participants.

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A dedicated project manager is assigned shortly after your project set up is booked.

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The project manager will start with a 30-minute project kick-off call to discuss time lines, expectations, and general logistics.

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Following the initial kick-off call, your project manager will schedule a researcher training session and an observer training session to bring you up-to-speed with using Forsta.

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Once you’ve provided the Activity Guide, the project manager will review and offer feedback and suggestions before the final programming of the study.

Once the project is ready to launch, the participants’ profiles will be uploaded, and invitation emails scheduled.

Should you require technical assistance, our Technical Support team is available 24 hours a day during weekdays, and 10am-6pm EDT on weekends and holidays. You can contact them at: support@forsta.com

Our participant management service

This service is primarily designed to maximize respondent activity levels. By communicating with participants in a regular, personalized fashion, participant engagement will remain high throughout the project.

From the start of a project, a welcome email is sent to all participants and then they are sent a daily email to remind them to check-in to the project. Once the project is completed, the Participant Management team will send an end-of-study message with the participant’s incentive information.

The Participant Management team will also manage participant queries from content related questions and also referring platform questions to the Technical Support team.

Finally, you’ll be sent a daily participation report for each day the project runs.

Case study

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Passion sparks action: F’inn champions mental health

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