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Closing the brand gap: Strategies for immediate impact on your brand’s success

Closing the brand gap:

Strategies for immediate impact on your brand’s success.

Your brand makes a promise, but customers often feel that promise is broken, or non existent.

  1. Why decoding competitors helps you gain a competitive edge.
  2. How to maximize your omnichannel strategy to bolster your brand.

It used to be all about building that brand, forging those emotional connections, and beefing up that brand equity. However, the focus has shifted as marketers have faced increasing pressure to directly tie brand impact to revenue. Instead of playing the long game, many brands are chasing quick wins, prioritizing immediate revenue over lasting brand value.

Brands are becoming more transactional by the minute, using every byte of data and every digital platform at their disposal to boost those revenue numbers. Vanity metrics like engagement rates and click-throughs have become the holy grail for executives hungry for ROI reassurance. In reality, they’re just leading us down a path of brand deterioration.

Even loyalty schemes, once hailed as a way to build genuine connections with customers, have fallen victim to the data gold rush. From the late 2000s through the COVID chaos, it’s been transaction, transaction, transaction – with little regard for the bigger brand picture.

It’s time to ditch the one-time transactions and get back to building brands that last. Brands like Maybelline are leading the charge, showing us the way back to real, meaningful connections with consumers. And for CMOs, that means finding the sweet spot between chasing short-term gains and investing in the long-term health of their brand.

In today’s brand battleground, staying ahead of the curve means keeping a few key things in mind. First, if you want your personalization game to be on point, you need to nail your data strategy. Too often, brands are still stuck in the rut of sending out generic messages instead of serving up tailored content that speaks to each individual’s preferences.

To truly master personalization, you’ve got to get cozy with zero-party data – you know, the stuff consumers willingly hand over about their likes, dislikes, and lifestyles. But here’s the kicker: they’ll only give it up if they trust you to handle it with care.

And speaking of trust, that’s where future CMOs need to shine. They must be data wizards, able to wrangle all kinds of data to uncover insights and make meaningful improvements. It’s a tough gig, but someone’s gotta do it.

Let’s dig into how to make it happen.

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