Home Resource Library Case study Shorter, smarter surveys for Bright MR

Shorter, smarter surveys for Bright MR

Tools used

  • Survey design

How Forsta technology led to shorter surveys with fewer errors in a single-page format

The challenge

Changing the input to improve the output

Bright MR is a leading provider of programming, data management and research operations. Its clients constantly seek new ways to shorten surveys, increase data quality and enhance the respondent experience. One such client approached Bright MR with a radical proposal: how can we put a long survey on a single page – without sacrificing any questions, survey logic or data validation?

“One of the biggest advantages of the Forsta platform is that it is an open-source environment: it enables our programmers to work quickly and flexibly when implementing custom solutions.”

Andrian Georgiev
VP Business Operations, Bright MR

Our solution

Building on top of an open survey platform

Bright MR met this challenge head-on by developing the Bright Adaptive Customer Experience (Bright ACE) tool. Using our survey platform in combination with a React JavaScript library, Bright MR transformed regular surveys into dynamic Single Page Applications that are faster to complete, validate on-the-fly and adapt dynamically to the answers given by respondents.

The results

Measurable improvements straight to the bottom line

Bright ACE, powered by Forsta Surveys, was an instant hit. Clients quickly adopted it as the benefits became clear. The one-page format reduced the average length of interview by 20%, decreased respondent drop-out by over 30% and removed 50% of the hours required to script surveys. These represent material cost savings for Bright MR’s clients.But it’s not only about saving money. On-the-fly verification improved data quality by virtually eliminating respondent errors. And Bright ACE has found new uses beyond market research by enabling healthcare professionals to complete Patient Record Forms faster and more accurately.


reduced scripting hours


fewer respondent drop-outs

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