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Powering conversational AI for Fifth Dimension

Tools used

  • Survey design

How Forsta technology delivered qualitative depth at a quantitative scale with hundreds of business leaders

The challenge

One-size doesn’t fit all for B2B insurance cover

Providing insurance to Australian businesses is complex.

Companies face an extraordinary range of risks: a single month can bring extremes of temperature, terrifying bush fires, rain bombs, tornadoes and violent lightning storms.

Added to this, no two businesses are exactly alike: the needs of a software startup in downtown Melbourne are very different to those of a vehicle repair shop in rural Queensland.

Fifth Dimension’s client, a leading Australian insurer, needed a better handle on the different needs of its B2B policyholders so they could create more appropriate risk products.

But how do you generate actionable insights across such a diverse audience?

A standard survey might reach enough people but lack sufficient depth. Qualitative interviews would deliver richness – but only for a handful of companies.

“Our philosophy is to push the boundaries of what’s possible in meeting the real needs of our clients … in this case, Forsta was the only platform with the flexibility and customisation to deliver against our vision.”

Lyndall Spooner

CEO, Fifth Dimension
Research & Consulting

Our solution

Technology that lets you have your cake and eat it

Fifth Dimension responded to this challenge with creativity and engineering.

Using Forsta survey technology as the foundation, the team developed a chatbot solution that would mimic the structure and interaction of a depth interview – whilst also gathering feedback from hundreds of customers.

Beginning with a huge map of all potential talking points, the team designed the chatbot to respond and adapt to the themes provided by respondents in their open-ended feedback.

For example, when people expressed a more positive outlook about the future, the chatbot asked more questions related to business growth.

Those with more pessimistic views tended to be asked about cost reduction initiatives.

Throughout the process, comments were reviewed by the team and the map framework was updated so that the chatbot could respond in ever more intelligent ways.

The results

Engaged participants give fuller answers for deeper insights

Respondents felt almost like they were taking part in a dialogue with a real person. They willingly invested more time to give detailed feedback that would normally require qualitative interviews.

For the insurance provider, the outputs helped drive an innovation roadmap with dozens of candidate concepts and the confidence to know which features would appeal best to different customer segments.

All this was made possible by the open architecture of the Forsta platform. Fifth Dimension’s developers could adapt and build on this foundation to create a truly conversational experience. The research could reach more people, generate deeper insights and deliver incredible cost efficiencies compared to alternative methods.


AI-assisted interviews


of concepts tested

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