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Helping B2B International join up the dots

B2B International

Tools used

  • Survey design
  • Panel management
  • Genius and computer assisted telephone interviewing

How our software helped market research firm B2B International bring data from a range of sources together in one project base.

The challenge

B2B International was feeling the pressure. To understand the impact of competition on falling market prices, they needed to zoom in on buyers. But like many B2B companies, the firm has less clients than consumer-focused ones – giving them a smaller sample to research from.

“We have found Forsta to be indispensable and it has become the backbone to all of our fieldwork. It helps us to embed an insight-driven culture within the client team, ensuring long-lasting success for the business.”

Matthew Powell
Director, B2B International

Our solution

Connecting different data sources seamlessly into one  

B2B International wanted a bigger, stronger sample for their surveys – and to gather it in a practical, detailed way. With our Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing software, they were able to do exactly that.  

By combining our multi-mode platform with other methods of collecting data, like online research and interviews with experts, they could get more valuable data and keep it all in one project base.  

The results

Helping clients meet their goals 

B2B International’s clients felt the impact of this new approach, fast. One company was able to run a survey across 12 countries in seven languages. Another saw a 16% revenue increase.  

Others have been able to meet practical goals thanks to the way they can now see their research findings: using online dashboards, presentations, customer scorecards and workshops. 


revenue increase
for one client


countries in another
client’s survey

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