Home Platform overview Forsta AI

Forsta AI

AI you can trust. Human Experience you can feel.

Transform vast amounts of feedback into precise insights and actionable steps. Say goodbye to wading through endless data and unstructured text. With our platform’s integrated AI, you can cut through the clutter and access insights directly.

Meet Forsta AI: The brilliance that drives human connection

AI Summarize

Enrich your understanding. Forsta AI transforms every interaction into valuable data by turning mountains of data and feedback into concise, actionable insights.

AI Compose

Turn data into directions. Forsta AI helps you create personalized content and responses, delve deeper into experiences, and automates routine tasks like reviewing and reporting.

AI Recommend

Accelerate insights to actions. Anticipate the most impactful next steps with Forsta AI’s advanced reporting and recommendations.

Not all AI is created equal

Meet-cute – but for tech

Command AI-powered data processing tools and wield adaptable reporting capabilities for profound human insights at your fingertips.

Reducing time from insight to action

When it comes to AI, our data, technology, and people set us apart. We move beyond the noise created by countless data points to elevate only the most relevant insights.

A tool is only as good as the people who build it

We build our AI with industry experts, not just for industry experts – it’s the perfect combination of talent to design AI solutions that work for the real world.

Giving you the AI tools to make a difference

Market & consumer insights software

Venture into the unknown

Customer experience survey software

The tools to put customer experience at the heart of your culture

Local experience platform

Enable dynamic local experiences across endless locations

Machine learning & ai

Bring order to chaos

See what you can do with our AI-powered tools.