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Customer experience

Your data investments aren’t delivering: 3 reasons why

Your data investments aren’t delivering: 3 reasons why Modern lives are encoded in data. People spend four hours a day on their smartphone. Two-and-a-half hours on social media [1]. And a lifetime on Zoom calls. Data footprints are left in search queries, Twitter posts, Uber journeys. Cell towers and satellites track real-world movements. Customer surveys. […]

Your data investments aren’t delivering: 3 reasons why
Customer experience

Remember the date: 29th of November, 2021 Forsta has arrived

Remember the date: 29th of November, 2021 Forsta has arrived Confirmit, Dapresy and FocusVision have joined forces to create Forsta. Combining the best of all three brands, Forsta will break down the silos of different research styles – giving a new level of insight into human experiences.  Everything in one place. Forsta puts all your research together to show you the full picture.  […]

Remember the date: 29th of November, 2021 Forsta has arrived
Customer experience

Customer experience in times of crisis: Covid-19

Customer experience in times of crisis: Covid-19 I think we all can agree these are trying times. The global raise of Covid-19 has wreaked havoc and left a trail of confusion on every topic from business operations to toilet paper. While we cannot do much to help you secure such household goods, we can help […]

Customer experience in times of crisis: Covid-19
Customer experience

CX summer series #2: tales from the dark side

CX summer series #2: tales from the dark side Actually, for all the jokes and banter within agencies when staff cross over to ‘the dark side’, there are several good reasons why I think everyone should spend time working client side (and vice versa too, but that’s a story for another time). And I’m not […]

CX summer series #2: tales from the dark side