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Customer experience

It’s not just what they say, it’s what they do: Behavioral insights

Behavioral insights help you understand what customers do so you can make decisions about what the business should do. It’s that simple. Or it would be if it weren’t for the enormous complexity of behaviors and how they interact with each other. That’s why this discipline has become so important, especially since the exponential lift in digital interactions these past few years.

It’s not just what they say, it’s what they do: Behavioral insights
Customer experience

Harnessing the power of social listening

Social media listening in the context of customer feedback, describes all the tools and solutions that let brands listen to what’s being said on social media platforms, convert this content into insights and trends, and make decisions that impact the business.  

Harnessing the power of social listening
Customer experience, Qualitative Research

Digital diaries: Join your customer on their journey

Digital diaries: Join your customer on their journey In the large toolbox of feedback techniques, the diary study holds prime position. Why? Because it’s the one technique that really lets you see the world as your customers see it. In the moment, in the right context, at the right time. Most other techniques rely on some level of recall, but diary studies record customers’ opinions and feelings […]

Digital diaries: Join your customer on their journey