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HX benchmarking

HX benchmarking

Where do you stack up?

Do you often wonder how your brand compares to your competitors when it comes to HX? To ensure you’re delivering on your goals, you need to compare yourself within your market space.

Forsta has partnered with Watermelon to provide a benchmarking solution that fits your needs, whatever sector, whatever geography, whatever your needs are. Now you can take your key HX metric (e.g. NPS®) and understand where it sits in your marketplace. This 360-degree view will take your brand to the next level.

Go beyond the metrics

Watermelon has listened to over half a million customers across a range of brands and interactions to build five HX Principles. Each of these principles is underpinned by a series of specific question areas to enable consistent measuring and understanding of the granular drivers for key HX metrics.

The five HX principles

  • Personalization
  • Effort
  • Integrity
  • Empathy
  • Resolution

Why go beyond?

  • Set yourself apart: As the marketplace gets increasingly commoditized and crowded, advancing tech and a world of information at our fingertips influences consumer behavior. Switching brands is a common behavior, even in sectors such as insurance that are traditionally lower engagement. You need to work hard to attract and keep customers, customer-centricity is now a key differentiator.
  • Be objective: To deliver great service, you have to listen to customer needs and expectations; particularly to understand what is important and the wider context of their experience with competitive brands. By understanding this, you can shape and refine your experience, and truly put the customer at the heart of everything you do.

Key features:

Understand your position in terms of key industry metrics, your sector and market.

  • Compare against leading brands, sector brands and your competitors
  • Deeper understanding of your performance:
    – Identify and action areas of weakness
    – Leverage strengths
    – Future-proof through understanding leading HX brands performance
  • Answer ‘How good is my NPS score

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