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Visualization APIs

Easily integrate data sources to create actionable, visualized stories

What are Forsta APIs?

True insights from Market Research, Voice of the Customer, and Employee Engagement programs rely on the ability to correlate and integrate various sources of feedback as well as information from other business areas. To that end, Forsta’s Visualization provides programmatic access to your organization’s information using simple, powerful, and secure application programming interfaces (APIs).

Benefits of Forsta Visualization APIs

  • Straightforward and easy to use relying on industry standard formats
  • Save time and money combining data sources faster than ever before
  • Easily bridge data silos
  • Generate more comprehensive, actionable insights
  • Easily create engaging, actionable, visualized stories with your data

How do Forsta APIs work?

True insights from Market Research, Voice of the Customer, and Employee Engagement programs rely on the ability to correlate and integrate various sources of feedback as well as information from other business areas. To that end, Forsta’s visualization provides programmatic access to your organisation’s information using simple, powerful, and secure application programming interfaces (APIs).

How can Forsta’s APIs help my business?

By using industry standards such as JSON, we’ve made APIs straight forward and easy. Forsta’s Visualization APIs allow you to retrieve important data from third-party systems. Once the data is received into Visualization, you can use it to generate comprehensive business insights which can be delivered as actionable, visualized stories.

Want to learn more about Forsta Visualizations?

With Forsta, there’s a lot to love and it’s hard to sum up in a single document. Are you the technical type and would like more detailed information? Of you’d like to learn more about Forsta’s Visualization APIs or any of our other solutions, you can check out our website or give us a call! We’d be delighted to answer all your questions and provide a demonstration at your convenience.

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